The safety of firefighters and the public is always the highest priority during wildfires.

  • During wildfires, agency administrators and incident managers make choices to minimize risk and focus on areas where firefighters can be the most effective.

  • No natural or cultural resource or structure is worth the life of a firefighter.

    As the climate changes, so will fire seasons; wildfire behavior is largely contingent upon weather and fuel conditions.

  • 2015 was the warmest year on record.

  • A record 10.1 million acres burned in 2015, surpassing 2006 in which 9.8 million acres burned.

  • The trend toward larger, more complex wildfires will continue due to decreased snowpack and drought, longer summers, wildland-urban interface expansion, and other factors.

    Partnerships at local, regional, and national levels help us be more effective fire managers.

  • Together, we can be more effective than as individual agencies.

  • Projects that reduce vegetation across land management boundaries help create more resilient ecosystems.

    Homeowners and communities can help firefighters by creating defensible space around homes and structures.

  • Taking individual responsibility to reduce flammable materials around homes and communities before a fire occurs can help keep the public and firefighters safe.

  • No human life is worth a home or structure; we will not risk firefighters’ lives to save indefensible homes.

    Unauthorized use of unmanned aircraft, also known as UAS, “drones,” or remote controlled model aircraft, in a fire area endangers the lives of pilots and firefighters.

  • Never fly unmanned aircraft over or near fires.

  • See No Drone Zone graphics available at

  • See NIFC’s No Drone Zone website and PSA at